COBIT’s Value for Small and Medium 澳门赌场官方下载s

作者: 迎接Volders, CGEIT, author of COBIT for Small and Medium 澳门赌场官方下载s
发表日期: 11月17日

If one or more of the statements below reflects your thoughts on COBIT®, you should investigate the latest ISACA publication, COBIT for Small and Medium 澳门赌场官方下载s (SMEs).

  • COBIT only applies for large and complex companies, companies in the financial sector or the government.
  • COBIT is only useful for auditors and assessors.
  • I have heard of COBIT, but do not know exactly what it is.
  • COBIT is too complicated for my organization.

在最新发布的指南中COBIT for Small and Medium 澳门赌场官方下载s—you will find an introduction to enterprise governance of information and technology (EGIT) and will learn how to get started with your own governance initiative.

For small and medium enterprises, information & 技术(我&T) has become crucial for support, sustainability and growth. Previously, boards of directors and senior management could delegate, ignore or avoid I&T-related决定. But today, such attitudes are ill-advised, to put it mildly.

中小澳门赌场官方下载是, 就像大澳门赌场官方下载一样, increasingly dependent on technology and digitization (and thus, I&T代表生存和成长). Therefore, top management needs to be involved in the management of I&T资产.

有些人很熟悉 COBIT have commented that it is an excellent resource for larger enterprises, but it is difficult to implement in a smaller enterprise setting. This publication puts COBIT concepts in a small to medium context, allowing those enterprises to adopt pertinent COBIT concepts tailored to their size, 经营范围及行业, enabling the benefits afforded by implementing COBIT. The publication provides examples of the tools needed to scope a governance program and define priorities.

一旦您定义了程序, you can access information about the governance and management objectives, how they are linked to organizational functions, which inputs are used by the related processes, 以及它们的产出.

The target audience for this guide includes different functions in an SME, 比如业务经理, IT经理, 质量或安全专业人员, 内部审计, and others who are looking for detailed guidance on developing and implementing governance practices in their organization. The guide provides some simple tools that can help you to define if it is applicable for your organization.

Practitioners who are less familiar with COBIT should know it is a framework for the governance and management of enterprise information and technology aimed at the whole enterprise. 我的澳门赌场官方下载&T means all the technology and information processing the enterprise puts in place to achieve its goals, regardless of where this happens in the enterprise. 换句话说,澳门赌场官方下载I&T is not limited to the IT department of an organization but certainly includes it.

COBIT defines the components to build and sustain a governance system as follows: processes, policies and procedures; organizational structures; information flows; skills; infrastructure; and culture and behaviors (下面的图).


作者简介: 迎接Volders, CGEIT, is a managing consultant and chief executive officer of Voquals N.V.她于1995年创立了该公司. Her main activity is providing advice for customers, and she regularly gives training and seminars related to enterprise governance of IT, process improvement and IT/business alignment. In 2004, Volders became an accredited trainer for the COBIT Foundation course and the IT 治理 实现 training, 使用COBIT, which she has continued for COBIT 5 and COBIT 2019. 自2002年以来, she has been an active member in several development teams for COBIT and she is regularly asked to serve as an expert reviewer for ISACA publications. 可以联系到她