Creating a Values-Driven, Balanced Life and Career

作者: ISACA现在
发表日期: 2021年3月23日

编者按: 塞巴斯蒂安·特里, 一个作家, TV host and founder of the 100 Things philanthropic movement, will be the opening keynote speaker at ISACA Conference North America 2021, 将于5月4日至6日举行的虚拟活动. Known worldwide for pursuing an incredible list of ‘100Things’ that he wants to achieve before he dies, which also has been turned into a reality TV show, Terry recently visited with ISACA现在 to discuss his approach to goal-setting and life balance. The following is a transcript, edited for length and clarity:

ISACA现在: You once asked yourself if you were happy, and the answer was ‘No.你是如何从这种认识中成长起来的?
It’s only when we realize that something is broken that we find an opportunity to fix it. This is exactly what happened with my life in the moment that I found out that I lost a close friend. The realization that I was unhappy allowed me a moment to consider what my personal version of happiness might be. For me, this took the shape of my list of 100 things. Through identifying a list of values-driven goals, I had created a blueprint to how I could lead a purpose-driven life from that moment on. It was the striving for each goal that allowed me to experience true growth.

ISACA现在: You came up with 100 things you want to do before you die. 在这个名单上有明确的第一名吗?
Funnily enough my list isn’t written in any particular order. My belief in fact is that our goals can be looked at in the same way you might look at spokes on a bicycle wheel. 没有人说话比另一个更重要, it’s the fact that together they are all as important as one another. 如果最终目标是快乐, you could therefore say that jumping out of a plane naked is just as important as finding purpose within your work role. The important part to consider as we strive for happiness is balance.

ISACA现在: Is it helpful for organizations to create their own bucket list, so to speak?
Meaningful and relevant goals are ultimately founded upon a true understanding of foundational values, 无论我们是在谈论一个人, 一个家庭, 澳门赌场官方下载或组织. The importance of goal-setting therefore is undeniable. Goal-setting catalyzes the foundational values of an organization into tangible action points for individuals, 团队和组织作为一个整体.

ISACA现在: What has been your biggest takeaway from the ‘100Things’ show?
The show allowed me to understand the true power of community. If we are able to develop a community founded upon the same values and beliefs, we find that the members of the community not only feel comfortable to share and strive for their own personal goals, 但正如我们在节目中看到的, they are also driven toward helping others with their goals as well. 毫无疑问, the 100Things show reconfirmed for me that at the end of the day, 人是善良的. Ultimately, we all have a desire and ability to help others, we just need the opportunity.

ISACA现在: What goes into effective goal-setting on a personal level?
在“100件事”研讨会上, we believe there are four steps that are required In the process of creating your list.

Step one is permission, the simple idea that it is important to think about yourself. 经常, we wait for permission to be given to us in life, but step one is all about making a decision to allow yourself to be self-focused.

第二步是反思, the idea that we need to understand the patterns and behaviors that have gotten us to this point so far. Although we can’t change these patterns and behaviors, understanding how we’ve been operating and what we’ve been influenced by allows a solid footing for step three.

第三步是辐条. 你生命之轮的辐条是什么? If you imagine a bike wheel for one moment, we see that the spokes give structure to that wheel. If we then use that wheel as a metaphor for our own lives, the question is what gives structure to your life? What are the most important spokes in your life? It could be love, career, adventure, spirituality, personal development, humor, etc. 这样的例子不胜枚举. Once we’re able to identify our personal spokes, we can then move on to step four.

第四步当然是创建你的清单! Looking directly at your spokes, you can identify multiple goals that would strengthen each spoke. For example, if health were one of your spokes, what are three goals that might strengthen this? 从每周三次冥想和跑步开始, 到健康饮食和参加健身房, 选择是无穷无尽的. Creating the list is a creative and wonderful activity and one that I’m very proud to be able to help with!